Beret hood
Our cleanroom garments are manufactured from cleanroom fabrics with a variety of technical qualities. We put particular emphasis on the processing quality.
We use the "tunnel seam" for our cleanroom garments which means all seams are internal enclosed with a polyester strip and secured with an additional seam. This reduces the risk that a seam can open unnoticed allowing particles to escape.
Optionally we also offer the "french seam" for all products which is equally suitable for cleanroom garments.
Additionally the possibility exists to increase the conductivity due to a special seam construction.
Cleanroom garments can be decontaminated and sterilised (autoclaving up to 134 °C as well as gamma irradiation). Thereby shrinking of the garments within accepted tolerances is possible. As certain elements of the garments must be adapted to the particular sterilisation process, we would be pleased to advise you prior to your purchase.
The cleanroom garment has to enable the user enough leeway without creating a windsleeve. Therefore a sophisticated size-grading grants an individual adaptation for each user.